Tales of Nexus
Tales of Nexus is an audio anthology series set on the war-torn planet of Nexus. Featuring interconnected stories spanning various time periods, experience this treacherous world through the harrowing tales of a diverse pantheon as they navigate a planet bursting with renegade factions, vibrant neotopias, and all the chaos one could ask for. Welcome to the Fray.
Tales of Nexus
"Briny wind, a constant reminder of one's place on Nexus."
Vera Dred, a fearless yet weary monster hunter, plunges into the heart of darkness to confront a creature holding the key to her acceptance into the Court of Dred - a legendary group of monster hunters comprised of her estranged sisters.
Staring: Toborah Otte
SFX: Infinite Samples & Envato Elements
Artwork: dsgn.verse
A Pangia Media production